Proc Export +Proc Report = Fancy Excel Output

Miss Discontinuity
2 min readApr 14, 2020


SAS day 55

Background Story:

Once we need to generate an Adverse Event listing for the medical team to review in excel, I was amazed by my colleague’s colorful output from SAS. I was just simply happy to look at the output!


I will use to generate the output

SAS Code:

* To generate excel file*;
ods _all_ close;
ods escapechar = '@';
ods escapechar='~';
options topmargin = 0.5 in bottommargin = 0.5 in leftmargin = 0.5 in rightmargin = 0.5 in;
ods excel file="/happy/car.xlsx";ods excel options(embedded_titles='yes' embedded_footnotes='yes' orientation="landscape"
/* center_horizontal='yes'*/
/* center_vertical='yes' */
/* absolute_column_width='18'*/
autofilter='all' );
ods excel options(sheet_name='Fancy Cars');title "Car dataset ";
proc report data=car nowd split="$" style(header) = {background = $altclr. font_size= 10pt vjust=top};
column make model type msrp ;
define make / "Car brand" style(column)=[tagattr="format:00000000000000" cellwidth=3.5cm] style(header)={background=#f9f3e8};
define model/ "Car Model" style(column)=[cellwidth=3.5cm] style(header)={background=#f9f3e8};
define type / "Car Type" style(column)=[cellwidth=4.5cm] style(header)={background=#f9f3e8};
define msrp / "Price /$In dollars " style(column)=[cellwidth=3.5cm] style(header)={background=#f9f3e8};

ods excel close;
ods listing;

It was really generous that my colleague Yajnes willing to share his fancy Proc Export +Proc Report for Excel output code with me! I think the best way to express my gratitude to him is to share the knowledge with more people!

Although it is quarantine time, I wish we can make something colorful for ourselves, like the Proc Export Excel!

Happy Studying!

